Get Confident in Your Own Ability

Let me ask you this:
  1. Do you lack confidence when you answer situational judgment questions (in the form of "tell me about a time....")? 
  2. Do you feel anxious when asked about your own strengths or weaknesses? 
  3. Can you convey the message of why the employer should hire you? 
  4. Do you know how you can leave a deep impression by asking meaningful questions? 
  5. Do you feel anxious when you need to negotiate the salary?
  6. Do you get stressed from not knowing how everything works in terms of the whole process?
    I have a solution that will help you.  See how my clients described this service, from the reviews on the Review page.

Beware of Recordable Video Interviews

Sometimes companies ask their applicants to go through a solo interview where they are required to record their answers online. Usually such exercises have a limited amount of attempts and have a defined time limit. Beware of an unintended trap in these interviews. This is that the applicants need to record themselves, which makes them nervous and panic, and also that applicants realize they don't know how to sell themselves.

Learn the Right Way

Let me teach you about all aspects relevant to interviews (including how to prepare) and what exactly the employers are looking for in your answers. We go through every element of the interview and discuss what the employer may ask, how the questions are phrased, what sort of answers are bad and how you can give the best impression. This is specific to the interviews happening in Ireland, with a focus on how exactly you can sell your skills in the best possible light. I also teach
you how to use public information about the company and various review platforms to assist in preparation for your interview.
This is done by giving you examples (around everything we talk about) to ensure that you understand the content of our discussion. I am using concrete examples (tailored to your experience) to demonstrate what would be the right/wrong answer.

Explain Effectively

You might be the most suitable candidate for the job, but if you cannot convey the right message and explain your background in a way that makes the employer see this, you may not progress past the interview stage.

With me, you get feedback that is specific to you, on how to improve your answers. I will give you examples of how you can change these specific answers (using your own words and descriptions), and also explain what and why not to say something.

Where we do practice for interviews that may not be happening yet, I can simulate specific interviews and the context of the discussion based on the sector and the job you want to get into. In fact, it is best to do this training in advance rather than be very rushed and reactive once you get a call to come to interview in 3 or 4 days' time.

Deliver with Confidence

Do a mock interview (which if you wish, we can also record for you to be able to play back and learn from). Here you are answering my questions and you do most of the talking. We then objectively critique your answers with suggestions of how to improve, change or further develop.

Every session

 Runs for a period of 90 minutes ensuring that we have enough time to cover all the essential areas. The delivery program has been extensively tested and improved over time.